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vaccine clinic winter

Winnipeg cases make up more than half of the new COVID-19 cases Wednesday as cases spike in most of the province.

There are 400 new COVID-19 vases in Manitoba, bringing the total number of cases to 72,283.

New cases include 309 people who are fully vaccianted, 72 people who are not vaccianted, and 19 people who are partially vaccianted. 

Dr. Jazz Atwal, Manitoba's deputy public health officer estimates that between one-quarter to one-third of Wednesday's new cases is omicron variants, but says they need to wait for the lab results to say for sure.

He says the move from Delta to omicron as the variant strain will "happen relatively soon."

There are 18 confirmed omicron cases as of Wednesday.

There are 2,622 active cases and 68,293 recoveries.

New cases by health region include:

  • 256 in Winnipeg
  • 51 in Southern
  • eight in Northern
  • 54 in Prairie Mountain
  • 31 in Interlake-Eastern

Manitoba's five-day test positivity rate is 9.9 per cent. Winnipeg's test rate is 10.6 per cent.


Deaths and hospitalizations

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(Government of Manitoba)

There are two new deaths Wednesday, bringing the total number of deaths to 1,368.

In hospital, there are 137 people, 91 of which have active cases. OUt of the active cases 46 people are not vaccinated, four people are partially vaccinated, and 41 people are fully vaccinated.

In intensive care, there are 24 people, with 18 of those people having active cases. OUt of the active cases, 15 people are not vaccinated, two people are fully vaccinated, and one person is partially vaccinated. 



Beacon Hill Lodge in Winnipeg is in an outbreak, moving to the Critical (Red) level on the Pandemic Response System.

Outbreaks are at:

  • Westview School, Grade 1/2 cohort, in Winnipeg
  • École Margaret Underhill, Grade 1, in Winnipeg
  • Faith Academy Middle School, in Winnipeg
  • École Regent Park, class 4B, in Winnipeg