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covid test winter

Staff in critical services such as schools will be able to use a rapid COVID-19 test if they are symptomatic, regardless of vaccination status.

Families Minister Rochelle Squires and Education Minister Cliff Cullen say rapid antigen tests will be made available for symptomatic workers in critical service sectors.

“Tests will be provided for all designated staff in critical service areas who are symptomatic and work directly with clients and vulnerable populations," Squires says in the Tuesday statement.

Sectors include:

  • early learning and child-care facilities
  • Community Living disABILITY Services service providers
  • child and family services group care providers
  • homeless and family violence shelters
  • Manitoba Families, working in front-line positions with clients
  • school teachers or staff with direct and ongoing or prolonged contact with kindergarten to Grade 12 students

The tests will not be available for these locations to have on hand, instead, the tests will be directly given to symptomatic staff. The province says this is due to a limited supply of tests.

“This expanded use of rapid antigen tests supplied by the province for critical service areas is intended to enhance access to testing for designated workers and allow them to return to work sooner."

Previously the province of Manitoba limited rapid tests in these critical service settings to people who are not fully vaccinated and are asymptomatic. 

The province is working on testing plans for Manitoba Corrections staff and sheriffs.



Schools with high case numbers and COVID-19 absences will be part of an asymptomatic testing program, starting Monday.

"This expansion of rapid antigen testing in schools is an additional measure we are putting in place to support ongoing, in-person learning for students across the province,” Cullen says.

Students and staff who may have been exposed to a cluster or outbreak or in a classroom or cohort that is in an outbreak will be given a rapid test.
