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DRHC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Doreen Armstrong-Ross said she was very proud of the staff for a near-perfect vaccination rate.

The Dryden Regional Health Centre has seen almost all of its staff roll up their sleeve and get vaccinated.

The health centre is reporting a 99 per cent vaccination rate almost a month before their February 23, 2022, mandatory staff vaccination policy comes into effect.

DRHC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Doreen Armstrong-Ross said she was very proud of the staff for a near-perfect vaccination rate.

“I feel very proud of the staff here at DRHC they’ve taken that step to get vaccinated to protect themselves, their co-workers, and our patients from COVID-19 the best we can,” Armstrong-Ross said.

“It’s a big step, and I’m really proud and thankful of the staff at DRHC.”

On November 25, 2021, the health centre announced its mandatory vaccine policy that would require all employees, physicians, volunteers, and learners to be fully vaccinated by February 23, 2022.

Prior to the policy announcement, those that weren’t fully vaccinated were subject to mandatory antigen testing, along with regular COVID-19 education.

“We are just trying to support them with their decision. We really tried to work with staff, and understand their individual situations as we put that mandatory vaccine policy in place.”

The current vaccine timeline the DRHC has laid out is that staff needed to put their intention in by the first week of January, have their first dose by the week of January 10, and must be fully vaccinated by February 23.

The DRHC notes all other infection control measures, including mandatory masking and personal protective equipment, will continue to be followed when and wherever possible.

On January 31, 2022, the Lake of the Woods District Hospital (LWDH) mandatory vaccine policy will come into effect for hospital staff, professional staff, volunteers, learners, contractors, and service providers.
