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Kenora riding MP Eric Melillo

After a busy few weeks for the Conservative Party, Eric Melillo offers his thoughts on the situation.  

In a weekly interview with Q104’s Ken O'Neil, Kenora MP Eric Melillo shed more light on the situation happening within the Conservative Party.  

Erin O’Toole, former leader of the PC’s resigned from his position on February 2, 2022, since then, the party has been working to find a new leader.  

Melillo spoke on the situation, “Well, obviously we have had one confirmed candidate in the race, MP Pierre Poilievre will have a very strong campaign. As with any of these things, there are some folks “kicking tires” and rumours are swirling but there is really nothing else that I am really able to confirm at this point.” 

Melillo went on to confirm there will be a conservative leadership convention before the end of the year, “What I do know is that we are planning on having our leadership convention before the end of the year. So far, we are hearing August or September as a potential target.” 

“I think it is really important because we need to ensure our leader has adequate time to meet Canadians, build a platform that addresses the concerns brought forward, and at any time - we must be ready [for another election],” continued Melillo.  

Melillo was asked where his thoughts are when it comes to lifting restrictions, “Yes, I think it is a very positive thing to see. We have been hearing from medical officers across the country and including Dr. Theresa Tam, it’s time we managed the virus and learned to live with other types of restrictions we’ve experienced over the last two years.” 

Recently, Canada’s 2021 Census was released and revealed that Northwestern Ontario saw a growth of total population while also seeing more urban centers growing in population.  

When asked “what can we do to keep people in the region?” Melillo responded with “I think it’s important we do a better job supporting the sectors in our region, whether in forestry, mining or tourism, that can afford a good quality of life and we have to have the housing to do that.” 

“They say we also need to make sure our region doesn’t get left behind in terms of services we expect, whether it’s internet or infrastructure projects in the Northwest, we certainly need a greater emphasis on that. These areas are important to me,” he continued.  

“Of course, then to the Conservative Party – we recognize the unique needs of living in Northwestern Ontario, and we are committed to not only supporting but enhancing that way of life,” he concluded.
