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Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

You hope you never have to use it, but when you have an adequate amount of life insurance, it gives your loved ones financial stability and the ability to thrive if you pass away. 

Since it can be quite cheap, it's best to get a lot while you're healthy. A good rule of thumb, especially if you have kids in the house, is to get at 10 to 20 times your annual income. This will ensure that your family can continue a similar lifestyle over an extended period of time if you are not there to provide it. 

If you're a stay-at-home parent, you want lots of insurance too - close to 10 times the income earners' income plus debts. The things you do for your household cost a lot of money if you are not doing them, and the household income will likely drop if you are not there to take care of your home and children. 

Insurance is so important. While you hope it will never pay, it can be a wonderful investment in your loved ones if it does. 

Tip of the Week:
Get Life Insurance and provide for your family. 

Find out more about Fresh Ground Financial and how they can help with life insurance, today!
