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Photos courtesy of Arborg's Facebook page.

The people of Arborg have been struggling with the flooding that's come as a result of the weather cycle bringing three lows in quick succession.

Volunteer public information officer with the Northeast Interlake Emergency Measures Board Doug Anderson says 15-20 homes were sandbagged in preparation for the flooding. The Rural Municipality of Bifrost - Riverton also had to declare a state of emergency when the water reached one inch below the highway bridge.

"Now, as a result of all the precautions that were taken, there were no flooded basements and there were no homes evacuated," mentions Anderson. "As of Monday you could see a slight drop in the water levels, On Tuesday it went a little further, and Wednesday, it was down over a foot."

He adds they needed emergency vehicles to pump water across highway 68 to avoid pressure, and each vehicle was moving 10,000 gallons per minute. He says the overland flooding they've experienced has done major damage to the infrastructure of the municipality.

"As a result of the pumping initiative, it just a huge difference," notes Anderson. "Everybody is to be commended for all the work they're doing, the volunteers, all public works, and the fire department, especially, since they've been manning a lot of the work."

As a precaution, he mentions they've put a dam around the hospital and care home.

Anderson hopes the worst of the flooding in Arborg is behind them.
