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The bridge will provide a safe method of crossing the drain in order to get from one side of Plum Coulee to the other

As one of the benefactors of the Province's Building Sustainable Communities Fund, the Plum Coulee Pedestrian Bridge project will receive more than $64,000. 

June Letkeman is a spokesperson for the Pedestrian Bridge Committee. 

"I'm just super happy that we finally got it because we'd applied a couple of years and didn't get it. This extra $64,000 is just huge for us because we can do our Phase One of the project, which is the engineering, geotechnical analysis and design, and hydrologic study and things like that."

While they wait for a hydraulic report from the Province, other aspects of the projects can get started immediately. 

"JKW [Construction] is going to do the geotechnical report and then we have a bid from TREK Geotechnical who will do the geotechnical investigation for the bridge, incorporate the structure, the stability of where we want to put it and things like that. So, that's where we're starting. Now that we have the money, we're going to give them the contract and they will get started as soon as possible."

Once the geotechnical elements are completed, Letkeman says the committee will look at bids on piles and other initial stages of the project. The new bridge will stretch from berm-to-berm, at a location near the temporary structure.

Added to funds already raised, the grant will more than cover the remaining cost of Phase One. The committee currently has close to $175,000 in the bank.

The project has proven more complicated than Letkeman expected. 

"I just thought, 'Oh well, let's just build a bridge.' I had no idea."

It's a project needed by the entire community.

"Our other bridge - well we have this temporary bridge - but it was out for a while just because of the water and everything. It's very unhandy for people to have to walk around. I just had a complaint the other day from someone who said he rides his bike, but he's afraid to ride it over the bridge on 306 and also on the highway because it's just not safe. This bridge is just such a necessity. I just wish I could get it done tomorrow."

The committee is looking for additional members as they work to raise the remainder of the funds needed.
