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The level of Lake of the Woods is now above the 2014 peak, according to the Lake of the Woods Control Board (LWCB).

The current level of Lake of the Woods is 323.79 m (1062.3 ft), which is over 95th percentile level for this time of year.

In 2014, Lake of the Woods reached 323.78 m (1062.29 ft).

The lake does remain below the record level of 324.31 m (1064.0 ft) which was set in 1950.

The LWCB says, record lake levels are possible and will depend on rainfall across the watershed in the next couple of weeks.

Lake of the Woods is expected to rise by 6-13 cm (2-5 in) over the next seven days and the inflow into the lake is expected to continue to fall until the weekend’s rainfall, followed by a brief rise, then a return to falling flows.

As the lake continues to rise, the level of the Winnipeg River between Kenora and Minaki will also rise.

The level rise over the next seven days below Norman Dam and down to Minaki is expected to be 3-5 cm (1-2 in).

The Control Board says, this estimate is approximate given the uncertainty in the local flows entering the river from tributary areas and the weekend rainfall. The river will continue to gradually rise as long as Lake of the Woods continues to rise and daily fluctuations, up or down, are possible depending on how prevailing winds affect the local level of Lake of the Woods above the dams.
