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Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant CEO Ryan Johnson. (Photo by Shawn Slaght)
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Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant CEO Ryan Johnson gives a tour of the facility. (Photo by Shawn Slaght)

A major overhaul of the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant is expected to begin next month. 

A press conference was held on Thursday, announcing that the water treatment facility received approval from the cities of Moose Jaw and Regina to borrow an additional $55 million to allow the project to move ahead due to increased costs. 

The project is also receiving $163.4 million through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure program. 

It was also announced that Graham-AECON was awarded the contract for the construction phase of the project. 

A large blue and grey machine
One of the water pumps at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant. (Photo by Shawn Slaght)

The Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant Corporation, which is owned by the Regina and Moose Jaw, began working with a joint venture to develop the project’s design following public procurement. 

The plant renewal project will see major renovations done to the current water treatment plant to bring it up-to-date with technology and meet its mandate to provide the cities of Moose Jaw and Regina and the surrounding areas with safe and reliable drinking water. The plant provides drinking water to over 260,000 people. 

Below is Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant Corporation CEO Ryan Johnson announcing the commencement of the project: 
