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Viktor Krahn, left, contacted PembinaValleyOnline Tuesday to share how a large tree landed on his roof during yesterday's windy conditions, and invited us to stop by to take a few pictures of the after math

Not only did much of Southern Manitoba experience yet another deluge of rainfall Monday and Tuesday, many areas experienced severe winds gusts which led to power outages, downed trees and hydro lines, and in some cases, building damage.

"As that intense low pressure system pulled eastward into northwestern Ontario, very strong northwesterly winds developed on the back of it," explained CMOS Accredited Weathercaster Chris Sumner. "Wind Warnings were in place for a substantial part of the region, and based on the readings we're seeing this morning, some points even surpassed the high end of the forecast of to 90 km/h."

Based on weather station from Environment Canada and the Manitoba Ag Weather Network, it appears Minnedosa, along Highway 16 in Western Manitoba, saw the top gust at 105 km/h on Tuesday. Areas in the Red River Valley and Southeastern Manitoba weren't far behind, though:

Kane - 103 km/h (recorded on a Manitoba Ag Weather Network weather station)
Altona/Dominion City - 98 km/h
Starbuck - 93 km/h
Winnipeg (airport) - NNW 88 km/h
Morris - 87 km/h
Gretna/Clearwater - NW 85 km/h
Brunkild - 84 km/h
Emerson - NW 83 km/h
Carman - NNW 80 km/h
Morden/Manitou - NNW 75 km/h
Pilot Mound - NNW 70 km/h

"After a stormy end to May, the start of June is looking much better as high pressure will build into the region later this week, bringing with it a sunnier and drier weather pattern," said Sumner. "For the first day of the month, a westerly flow will help push temperatures close to seasonal to the 18 to 20 range, but we'll see much cooler conditions Thursday as this Colorado low brings us one last shot of northwesterly winds and cooler air. The southwestern corner of the province will be in the mid-teens tomorrow, but the remainder of Southern Manitoba may struggle to reach 11 to 13 degrees."

Sumner noted, slightly below seasonal conditions are expected into the weekend and early next week. Average day time highs are 23 with overnight lows around 10. Right now, Friday through Monday it's looking like temperatures will range between 18 and 21.

"And for those wondering about whether more rain could be on the way, the current forecast models are indicating limited chances of precipitation from now to mid next week."
