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Boatslips underwater near the mouth of Laurenson's Creek on Monday, June 6, 2022.

Lake of the Woods is one foot away from reaching the record peak that was set in 1950.

The Lake of the Woods Control Board (LWCB) says the lake rose by 8 cm (3 in) over the past week to 323.99 m (1063.0 ft), over 95th percentile level for this time of year.

The level of Lake of the Woods is expected to rise by approximately 6-10 cm (2-4 in) over the next 7 days, getting closer to the record level of 324.31 m (1064.0 ft) which was set in July of 1950.

There is some good news, should the warm, dry weather continue the LWCB says "a peak may be reached by mid-June followed by a gradual drop. However, a return to normal summer levels will likely take many weeks and will be delayed should there be a return to wet weather."

The Winnipeg River is expected to rise by 1-2 cm (1 in) over the next seven days and has peaked and will continue to fall at Boundary Falls, near the Manitoba border.

The Control Board says, "outflow from the Whitedog dam is expected to increase very gradually as it passes the water coming from the Norman dam, plus any local inflows."
