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This week's REMR Roofing Person of the Week is Laura Wheatley!

Laura was nominated by Sandi Crandall: 

"Laura is an associate lawyer at our firm and has become a valued person in our community and in our hearts. Laura is always helping others in any aspect of life. During COVID, she personally sewed hundreds, if not thousands, of masks for staff, staff’s family and anyone else who she thought could use one. She is one of the kindest, hearted people I have ever known. She will bake cookies for people just to put a smile on their face. A loving human, a dedicated worker and a strong community advocate, Laura Wheatley is a shining star. We are so grateful to have her as part of our team."

For being nominated, Laura receives a $25 gift card for the Log Cabin Tavern, and for her nomination, Sandi receives one, too! (But Sandy chose to give hers to Laura as well!) 

Nominate someone special in your life for REMR Roofing Person of the Week!  We pick another winner next Monday.

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