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Residents of the region are advised to keep cool and stay hydrated as humidex values are anticipated to reach just under +40C Tuesday.

Environment Canada recently release the following statement:

Hot and humid conditions expected on Tuesday.

Day time temperatures reaching 29 degrees Celsius
Humidex values near 36
Day time highs in the low thirties are possible along the Minnesota border

Tuesday afternoon into early evening.

These conditions pose a health risk when you are not used to the heat.

Everyone is at risk from heat, especially older adults; infants and young children; and people with chronic illnesses.

You are advised to 1) drink plenty of cool liquids before feeling thirsty; and 2) keep cool by dressing for the weather and spending more time in a cool place.

Hot and humid air can also bring deteriorating air quality and can result in the Air Quality Health Index approaching the high risk category.


