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E. Bourassa & Sons

Weyburn’s E. Bourassa & Sons held a Barbeque fundraiser last Thursday and it was a success.  

Over $1,000 was raised at the event, all of which is going to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal. 

“We did take a vote before we did our summer barbecues to see where we wanted to donate the money as a company,” said Marketing Manager, Britney Fisher. “Within our Weyburn store it was decided that we would donate the money to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal because there are two technicians that we have in the back here that have families back in Ukraine, and they continue to give us updates on how their families are doing, and everybody just really felt this is the only way that we're able to help our Bourassa family here that they can help their families back in Ukraine.” 

E. Bourassa & Sons did get some help with this barbeque.  

“I do want to credit the Weyburn Beavers for coming out and helping us serve burgers,” said Fisher. “They had donated a really good raffle package that we sold tickets for as people were coming in from the barbecue as well.” 

The Radville location had its barbeque last Wednesday, where $700 was raised. The funds are going to the Radville Marian Health Centre Auxiliary. 

E. Bourassa & Sons has more barbeques coming up this summer.

In Radville they are taking place on July 13 and 16, In Weyburn they will be on July 14 and 18, the Assiniboia location has its barbeques on June 22, July 20 and August 24, and there is a barbeque taking place in Carlyle on July 21. 

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