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A music video for a song written two years ago amidst a season of darkness is now released at the perfect time to offer others a glimmer of hope.

Bold As Lions is made up of husband and wife duo Sean and Karli Quigley. While 2020 has been hard on musicians across the country, the couple is choosing to take a positive outlook.

"It's been an interesting year," Sean says. "Live shows don't exist so you have to get creative. I try to always have a really positive spin on things, man. I think there's no point in sitting around in being sad. I think it's important to look at the positives and look at the fact that we have a lot of time to write new music, and get creative, and make videos, and just create more content for people who want to hear from us."

That time for creativity has actually led to the duo shooting 12 new videos. The first was just released this week for the single "Dreaming" from their Peace in the Chaos album.

Listen to the full interview:

The song is a catchy, upbeat song that instantly fills listeners with happiness, but it comes from a time that was anything but happy for Karli.

"I think the timing of this video coming out was just perfect because the world is hurting right now. It's funny, because 'Dreaming' was actually written about anxiety and kind of that desire to get out of your own head and go to this dream world that we kind of created. But it also has a double-meaning because I believe that place exists, and we will get there one day."

Karli says that when the song was written her anxiety was so bad it resulted in physical symptoms. "I actually ended up going to the ER because I thought something really bad was happening to me... It really opened my eyes to how real those things are. It's just interesting that I dealt with all those things before 2020, and then we come into 2020 and a lot of people are going through a lot of the things that I think we dealt with beforehand. I think that's one of the reasons why we have a more positive outlook in this year. I feel like we've faced a lot of messy things, and we have a lot of experience and hope going into 2020 where we can take our past hurts and things we've been through and go 'God's not done with us, there's better things to come' and we just have to trust in that."

"It seems like peace in the chaos is a more relevant concept now, than ever," Sean says.

He also says he had a lot of fun putting Karli's idea to music. "Typically, a raindrop just kind of falls from the sky, lands on Karli's head, and these beautiful songs just come to life, then I get the voice memo or whatever and take it from there. I had a lot of fun with this one. It's just a happy, feel-good song."
