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Mayor Al Friesen says a review of the event included talking to staff and members of the Altona Community Action Network (ACAN).

The Town of Altona is looking to take a more sustainable approach to its annual town-wide Spring Clean-Up Week.

In 2020, the historical spring clean-up program of week-long curbside collection of bulky items, household waste and large volumes of yard waste was changed to a drop-off waste loop located at the Millennium Exhibition Centre. The only item collected curbside were branches. Now, the Town is looking at making another change.

Mayor Al Friesen says a review of the event included talking to staff and members of the Altona Community Action Network (ACAN).

"We kind of talking about ways in which we can do this better where we can still provide a service to the people that live in Altona, but recognizing as well that we want to be respectful of the landfill and how we properly take of it. I think those are some of our concerns and we're coming forth with a plan we, and our staff, feel suits for the community."

That new plan will be announced shortly.
