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The level of Lake of the Woods declined slightly over the last week.

The Lake of the Woods Control Board says the average lake level declined slightly, by 1 cm over the seven days, and is expected to continue to decline by 3 to 5 cm over the next week.

The lake remains over the 95th percentile level for this time of year at 324.09 m (1063.3 ft), which is above the 2014 peak and below the record peak of 324.31 m (1064.0 ft), set in July of 1950.

As the level of the lake decreases, the level of the Winnipeg River immediately below the Norma Dam is expected to drop by about 3 cm over the next week with the level between Kenora and Minaki is anticipated to drop by about 1 to 2 cm over the next week.
