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Mamakwa steps forward in his new role with NDP.  

Sol Mamakwa, MPP for the riding of Kiiwetinoong, has been named one of the new Deputy Leaders of the Ontario New Democratic Party (NDP) by Interim Party Leader Peter Tabuns.  

Mamakwa is the first First Nations Deputy Leader in Ontario.  

The MPP will also retain his role as Critic for Indigenous and Treaty Relations, Northern Relations.  

Just one month ago, Mamakwa confirmed that he is considering a future as Leader of the NDP as the party begins its search. Long-time Leader Andrea Horwath announced her resignation as the leader of the provincial NDP after Election Night 2022, her fourth loss as leader of the party since 2009. 

Peter Tabuns, MPP for the Toronto-Danforth riding, was selected as interim Party Leader while the search for the new Leader continues.  
