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The Hillcrest Museum in Souris showcases life in the early 1900's

The Hillcrest Museum in Souris is a favorite stop for visitors in the Westman area, to take a walk through a castle built in the ways and days of the early 1900's England.

'The Museum, originally known as “Squire Hall”, was built in 1910. Commissioned by Fred Sowden, the son of Souris’ founder, Squire Sowden, it was designed by a local architect Carter Brindle. The building features an etched glass entrance, ornate wooden staircase, unique stained glass windows, pressed tin ceilings and original woodwork. Its balconies offer magnificent views of the Souris River,' states their website history page.

"It is a Heritage Site and it looks like a castle, so we call it 'the castle on the prairies', shares museum summer host, Katrina Spangler.

The museum recently had some renovation work done to it's interior due to some water damage.  "

One of the newly renovated rooms is the Natural History Room which showcases the unique butterfly collection.  "It features over 5000 butterfly specimens that have been collected throughout the years. People come far and wide just for our butterflies.  It is very unique and is one of our trademarks here.  People 

A variety of taxidermy birds are on display as well, including Souris' iconic peacock.  Some pheasants, and owls and a golden eagle are also added to the bird display.

This is the third summer for Spangler and she's found it to be a very busy tourist season already!

"We' love having the tourists come through!  We've met tons of new people and we love hearing everyone's stories.  Lots of people are coming back who remember the Hillcrest when it was a boarding house and when it was an apartment building.  So, it's lovely to hear those stories!"

"We're getting a lot more people from the States," she adds. "Typically, its been Saskatchewan, Ontario and some from Alberta.  But we've been getting a lot more people from the States and BC and the east coast.  It's just been really nice to have a fresh set of people coming through.

