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Reeve Gord Weidenhamer says it could be the summer of 2024 before a swimming pool is back up and running in his community.

Deloraine’s swimming pool didn’t open this summer because of structural issues and Deloraine Winchester council will meet August 10th to decide the fate of the aging facility.

The pool is about 40 years old and Reeve Gord Weidenhamer says it’s showing its age. “We didn’t open for this season and looking at it the pool’s issues include cement problems, shifting issues drain problems and everything is basically worn out.”

“We’re looking at some serious upgrades or replacement. We have three scenarios on the table and they include repairing the damaged parts, replacing them or building a whole new pool.

Deloraine Winchester Swimming Pool was constructed in 1980 as a result of fundraising through the Deloraine Elks and Lions groups. The heating system for the pool initially was constructed with solar panels and replaced with a natural gas system in 1998.

“We’ll look at the costs at our August 10th meeting and decide where to go from there. The funny thing is with available grants it probably cheaper to go with a new pool in the long run. We know from what we’ve heard from the community the pool is important and needs to get back up and running.”

“By the time we decide what to do and how to pay for it the pool could be closed for the summer of 2023 but fund raising is underway and the community quarter section project is now going solely to the pool project.”



