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Investigation continues into a report last week of property mischief in Morden. According to Morden police, the damage happened some time overnight from August 1st to 2nd. There were broken screens, garbage and damage to walls and electrical at the scene. 

Morden police are also investigating an attempted break and enter at a business on Stephen Street. The business owner noticed someone had attempted to gain entry through their windows by breaking them around July 31st to August 1st. 

Police are also investigating several reports of thefts and break-ins of motor vehicles that took place between the evening of August 2nd and the morning of the third. According to police, during that time: 
- a truck was broken into and rummaged through while parked on a driveway on Rampton Street. nothing was stolen.
- a vehicle was broken into and rummaged through on Elam Street. a wallet was stolen.
- two vehicles at the same address on Elam Street were broken into. an iPhone and cash were taken from both. 
- a vehicle was broken into on Elam Street and a wallet was stolen. no damage to the vehicle was reported. 

Anyone with information regarding the above incidents is asked to call the Morden police service or crime stoppers, or submit a secure tip online at 
