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Reeve Don Wiebe says the Manitoba Water Services Board has agreed to cost-share the study.

The Municipality of Rhineland is proceeding with a study looking at upgrading the aging water pumping station at Gnadenthal.

Reeve Don Wiebe says the Manitoba Water Services Board has agreed to cost-share the study.

"Gnadenthal is an old pumping station. To do a study it always takes some engineering work to do that," he commented. "We're taking a good look at the Gnadenthal pumping station, see what's needed, what upgrades are needed to that. Because there's always expanding lines and it's important that certain pressures can be maintained."

Wiebe adds there's been quite a bit of growth in the village of Gnadenthal and surrounding areas.

"I think almost all the lots are filled in Gnadenthal and the surrounding area. I'm not aware of any vacant farm yards. There's still an interest in rural properties. It doesn't decrease, it keeps growing."

Wiebe didn't have a timeline on the engineering study but notes it will begin shortly.
