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Police were called to the area around 11:15 p.m. and found a man, who matched the caller's description, carrying a laptop and backpack. He was arrested and found to have several vehicle keys and credit and debit cards, along with change on him. 
The man was charged with Possession of Property Obtained by Crime and released on an undertaking to attend Morden provincial court in October.

As well, Morden police are investigating four reports of thefts from motor vehicles that took place between last Thursday evening and Friday morning.
    - A car was broken into and rummaged through while parked in a parking lot on Nelson Street and a wallet was stolen from the vehicle. The wallet was later located and returned to the owner. 
    - A vehicle was broken into and rummaged through while parked on a driveway on 9th Street and change was stolen from the vehicle.
    - A garage was broken into and a wallet was stolen from inside the vehicle parked inside the garage on Nelson Street. 
    - A vehicle was broken into on 7th Street but nothing was taken from this vehicle.
Meantime, shortly before 1 a.m. on Saturday, a caller reported their vehicle had been gone through in the past hour-and-a-half, and that their debit card had been stolen. 
