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Winkler Police Service (file photo)
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Winkler police are investigating after a 15-year-old youth reported being assaulted while on his bicycle last week Wednesday.
According to police, the youth crossed the intersection at South Railway and Main Street on his bicycle without pressing the button to activate the crosswalk lights. While he noticed a vehicle approaching from the north, the cyclist felt like he had plenty of time to cross the street. 
After safely crossing, a male passenger from that oncoming vehicle yelled at the youth for not pressing the button. The youth continued on, however.
While riding his bicycle west on Mountain Avenue, a man from the vehicle ran up behind the victim at 6th Street and pulled him off his bicycle with his arm around his neck. The man was allegedly angry with the youth for not pressing the crosswalk button. The young cyclist was not injured in the incident. 
The youth did not know the man and was unable to obtain a license plate number from the vehicle.

Meantime, shortly after midnight on Sunday, Winkler police officers were called to a report of a forced entry to the Meridian Exhibition Centre. According to the complainant, the incident likely happened between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. that night. 
Police searched the building but didn't find any unauthorized people inside. There was minor damage to the entrance doors, but police noted there was no immediate indication that anything was missing.

Overall, the Winkler Police Service is reporting a mostly quiet Harvest Festival weekend, generating an average number of calls for service. Most calls noted a report related to intoxicated people carrying open liquor at the festival grounds.
