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The Stolson Family. (photos by Colin Powers)

As harvest rolls in for farmers across southwestern Saskatchewan, they are working hard through long days.

This year's harvest faces challenges like hail damages and limited rainfall, but that isn't stopping producers.

Roger Stolson's family farm is based near Neidpath, Saskatchewan.  Their harvest has been going well despite the year's struggles.

"It's better than last year," said Stolson. "A lot of our area had some hail storms go through, so it all takes a little bit of a toll on it."

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Stolson Farms, 113 years in the making. (photo by Colin Powers)

Stolson and his family have canola, durum, barley and lentils in the harvest this year, which marks 113 harvests at the family farm.

"Our farm was homesteaded in 1909," said Stolson. "It's been in the family all along."

While the year is looking like they will turn a profit, it's still not up to the same standard as previous years.

"We've had better years than this year," confirmed Stolson. "But you just gotta do what you gotta do."
