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Kam Blight

The Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) has provided an information page for candidates running in municipal elections this year. It's prepared to help would-be community official candidates better understand the process when they run for these positions.

President Kam Blight says AMM has decided to ensure that those wishing to run, have all the information they need to work through the system, and the new municipal elections resource was the result. 

"This hub is home to many informational materials," says Blight. "We've also uploaded a series of testimonial videos from former and current elected officials that highlight key considerations, along with tips and advice for candidates on our AMM YouTube channel. AMM is hopeful that these newly-created resources will help raise awareness of the roles and responsibilities of municipal government and will hopefully encourage more Manitobans to run for municipal politics."

He notes AMM fully understands that local governments are often described as closest to the people and are responsible for providing many essential services that Manitobans depend on, such as road infrastructure, recreation, fire protection, policing, water infrastructure, and economic development, and much more.

"It's very vital that we have great representation on municipal councils, and we're really hoping that this resource help will help encourage people to put their names forward," adds Blight. "It's all a part of making a difference for the community. It's important to note that councils help shape municipal priorities and represent the people who elect them. I encourage everyone to check out our resources online to better understand the important roles of municipal councils."

Aside from those considering running in such an election, this information website is perfect for the average citizen to consult to learn how the process works. 

Candidate information will be uploaded to the MBVotes website following the end of the formal nomination period on September 20.

AMM 2022 Municipal Elections Resource Hub (including testimonial videos): HERE

AMM Municipal Elections website: HERE

AMM Municipal Elections website - Enhanced Data Dashboard: HERE

Author Alias