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The dishes needed.

The Weyburn Humane Society has 74 cats as of their last count. The shelter had enough cat food and water dishes to keep up for a while but with the increase in cats recently, they have now run out of dishes. They continue to rotate the ones they have for cleaning while still making sure everyone has a dish to eat and drink from. We had the opportunity to speak with the manager of the Humane Society Colleen Morrice about the situation.

"We're right out of cat dishes right now which has never happened, never."

If you are able to help and donate some dishes that would be great! The Humane Society does not mean to be picky with it either, anything is appreciated, but Colleen says they do have a preference to make life a little easier over there.

"We like the plastic double-sided cat dishes."

Plastic is easy to work with as it's a little harder to break, rather than glass and easy to transport from kennel to sink with double sides. But where exactly can you find these dishes?

"They have them everywhere; Peavy Mart, Walmart, Pet Valu, and probably even McFrugals would have those in stock."

The Humane Society appreciates all the help that they have received in the past and continue to receive. With such uncertain times for the shelter, support is needed now more than ever.

"We appreciate everyone and what everyone does to help out, it's just to the point now where we have so many animals that I am pretty much begging for any help we can get here."

The Humane Society is open from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm every day and could use a number of other donations as well including: 

  • Puppy food 
  • Adult dog food
  • Bleach
  • Laundry Soap
  • Kitten food 
  • Monetary donations 

They are also still taking bottles and cans as well.

"Randy will pick it up right at your house and that money goes directly to our spay and neuter program." 

All help is appreciated and does more than we know!


