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Patients and staff at Eden Mental Health Centre in Winkler are expected to return to the facility by the end of the month.

Torrential rains at the end of August forced the quick evacuation of the centre. Since then, staff have been treating patients at two temporary sites, and acute psychiatric needs are being met at local hospital emergency rooms. 

In an update provided Wednesday, CEO Brad Unger stated construction to isolate damaged areas is underway, and most of the treatment area in the facility will be functional within two to three weeks. 

"The rain storm affected only a small number of patient rooms," said Unger, noting most of the damage occurred in the facility's common areas. Construction to repair a few patient rooms, the kitchen, dining, and activities rooms will begin soon and continue over the next several months.

"Our friends and partners at Southern Health-Sante Sud and Salem Home have been terrific,” said Unger. “Everyone is working non-stop to help us return to the hospital. We had a great team behind us that includes our regional and provincial health partners, the insurance provider and restoration experts, our local community and church partners, and our Eden Board and Foundation."
