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School isn't the only thing coming back this fall; swimming lessons with the Portage Regional Recreation Authority (PRRA) are filling up quickly. Zapphira Neuschwander, the PRRA's recreation manager, says that it is important for people to register as fast as possible.

"(The) response has been pretty good. Many sessions are filling up quickly, but there are still a few spots available if you jump on that soon, either online or by calling reception," says Neuschwander, "We always tell people, if the spot that you want is not available, use the wait list. It's not a guarantee, but it doesn't hurt to add your name. We'll call you if a spot opens up and we do see movement in those waiting lists."

She notes that they offer a variety of courses.

"We offer lessons for everything from six months, all the way to adult lessons. There's something for everyone in every skill level."

The Recreation Manager also says that having new additions to their team would be awesome.

"We love new lifeguards. We have a great staff and are always looking to add more people to that," she continues, "The first courses you'd be looking for are some of your bronze courses, and you can take those starting at 13. We are actually offering both of those courses this fall. Bronze medallion is in October, and Bronze Cross is in November and December over two weekends and registration for that is now open online."

Author Alias