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With her family by her side, Maggie Lajeunesse (nee Beaver) passed away at home on September 8th, 2022. She was 93 years of age.

She is survived by her children Richard Lajeunesse, Sharon Lajeunesse (Bruce Sutcliffe), Agnes Kolisnik (Randy), Lloyd Lajeunesse, Carol Favreau (Jim) and Joe Lajeunesse; Grandchildren David Thorgrimson (Tabatha), Lisa Derouard (Mike), Theresa Thomson (Kevin), Mike Kolisnik, Danielle Mineault (Brodie McGowan), Renae Coones (Adam), Richard Favreau, Tyler McGeachy and Ryan Lajeunesse; Great-Grandchildren Katlynn Derouard, Jaylynn Derouard, Issebella Carlson, Karson Kolisnik, Douglas Thomson, Oliver Wlodarek, Amelia Wlodarek, Jordan McGowan and Carter McGowan.

Maggie was predeceased by her husband Joseph Lajeunesse; Son Ken Lajeunesse; Daughter Marion Lajeunesse; Parents John and Mary Ann Beaver; brothers David, Matthew and Alescis Beaver and her sister, Agnes Boucha Beaver.

Maggie was born in Grassy Narrows, Ontario where she grew a love for the wilderness and outdoors. Maggie spent many days and nights sitting by the lake and watching the water as well as enjoying various camping trips at Medicine Lake, Lake of the Woods and Culloden Lake with her children and grandchildren. She loved to go blueberry picking, building puzzles, playing bingo and the slot machines and going to garage sales so she could add to her many collections of spoons, thimbles, cat and wolf figurines, and teapots. 

Of all the things she loved, she loved the family she built with her husband Joseph, the most. Family was very important to Maggie, and she always made sure that as a family, her children and grandchildren, always came to her house for every holiday and every birthday. She had taken time to look after and pass down her family values to her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She cherished all the noise, all the sleepovers and always made sure that everyone always felt special, loved and never judged. She was always so happy to see her family come to visit her or when someone called her to talk on the phone. You could always count on her to provide calmness in a room. 

We may have lost the matriarch in our family but through her family; her strength, love and wisdom will continue to be passed down to every family member. That through thick and thin, family always comes first and always stands together. Thank you for teaching us the meaning of love and family. We will forever love you, our mama, grandma & GiGi. 

“Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

A Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, September 17th, 2022 at 11:00am at the Notre Dame Church, 222 1st St. N., with burial to follow at Lake of the Woods Cemetery. 
