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RM of Stanley Deputy Reeve Ike Friesen was acclaimed to the position of reeve after this past Tuesday's 4 pm deadline for people to file papers to run in the October 26th municipal election.
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Deputy Reeve Ike Friesen was acclaimed to the position of reeve.

Due to a large number of candidates gaining their positions by acclamation, many municipalities in the Pembina and Red River Valleys will not have elections next month for new reeves and mayors. That includes the Rural Municipality (RM) of Stanley, where current Deputy Reeve Ike Friesen will be the municipality's next reeve after the October 26th municipal election.

Although he feels good about being acclaimed as reeve, Friesen said it would have been nice to have an election. Friesen said having an election would have been positive, alluding to the idea that being voted into the role would have provided more clarity to him regarding the resident's desire to have him lead the municipality.

"I'm excited about serving the people. I still think I'm quite available for people to get ahold of, and to listen to concerns," added Friesen.

Meanwhile, there will be an election in Ward 1 of the RM of Stanley. Five candidates are vying for four positions. Robert S. Fehr, Peter H. Froese (i), Bob (Chomper) Giesbrecht (i), Jon Goertzen, and Ray Unrau (i)
In Ward 2, incumbent Alfred (Bitz) Loewen was acclaimed, while a second seat in the ward remains vacant.

Friesen said they will decide how to proceed with the vacant seat in Ward 2 after the October 26th municipal election, when a new council is set.

In reaction to being asked about the number of acclamations in the region, Friesen said that didn't surprise him.

"I would have liked to see more people being involved to run in communities. It just shows a little more involvement. I know everywhere it's hard to get people even to volunteer...I know this is partly paid but, yeah, people are shying away from getting involved, I guess."

"I'm happy with the outcome of who's been acclaimed. I have no concern there," noted Friesen.

His first goal when he takes on the role at the end of next month will be connecting and working with the council, something he's looking forward to.

"Many decisions that we make will be a council decision, it won't be mine alone, so it's always a group. And we'll hopefully be able to continue working on things that have been started. Oh, of course, there are lots of things they don't quit while you're towards the end of a term so it all moves along, and I'm looking forward to continuing those."

Author Alias