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As potential mayors and reeves get ready to campaign for this October's election, some candidates have already been acclaimed.

Reeve Arnthor Jonasson of the Rural Municipality of West Interlake did not have any opposition and he will serve another term. In the RM of Macdonald, Reeve Brad Erb was acclaimed for the third straight election. In the RM of St. Francois Xavier, councillor Delmer Nott will be promoted to Reeve as he is not facing any competition.

You can see a list of some other communities here.

City of Portage la Prairie
Incumbent: Irvine Ferris (not running)
Bryon Hamilton
Sharilyn Knox
John Donald Pelechaty
Mohammad Tahir Khan

RM of Portage
Incumbent: Kam Blight (acclaimed)

Incumbent: Stuart Olmstead
Ray Muirhead
Rebbie Rea

Incumbent: Christa Vann Mitchell
Dale Fossay

Incumbent: Brian Sigfusson (not running)
Virgil Johnson
Norman Nikkel

Incumbent: none
Jean Pierre Grosemans
Gail Johnson
Bill Sisson

Incumbent: Brad Erb (acclaimed)

North Cypress-Langford
Incumbent: Bob Adriaansen (not running)
Ray Drayson
Jimmie M. Krzyzaniak
Clyde McCallum

North Norfolk
Incumbent: Gerald Barber (not running)
Ed Heppner
Adam Paton
Bill Wieler

Norfolk Treherne
Incumbent: Will Eert
Gilles Guertin

St. Francois Xavier
Incumbent: Rick Van Wyk (not running)
Delmer Nott (acclaimed)

St. Laurent
Incumbent: Cheryl Smith
Sterling Ducharme
Richard Chartrand

West Interlake
Incumbent: Arnthor Jonasson (acclaimed)

Incumbent: Scott Kinley (not running)
Darcy Meloney
Daryl Shipman

Incumbent: Lori Schellekens
Douglas Oliver
Orval Procter


An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated Kam Blight was "not running" in the RM of Portage. This was a typo -- he is the incumbent who was acclaimed.
