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Don Wiebe is looking forward to serving another four years as Reeve for the Municipality of Rhineland. He was acclaimed to the post for a third term after no other candidates stepped forward during the nomination period.

"I believe in elections and there should be periodic elections, that's what our democratic system is designed for. But, I do feel honoured. Honoured to be in by acclamation and I will honour that in terms that it gives me a new sense of commitment and renewal. I feel more energized to continue the work of the Municipality," said Wiebe. 

The Reeve noted, there are a number of large-scale projects and campaigns that remain in the works for the coming term. The list, said Wiebe, includes economic development which also encompasses immigration and working with the Pembina Valley Water Co-op in creating a larger source of potable water. There's also several municipal-level tasks at hand. 

"One of them being the Priority Grains Roads Project. I'm looking forward to finishing that," said Wiebe. "There's also continuously working with municipal drains and making those better, particularly when tile drainage has become so widespread. Of course, we're looking forward to doing some more development in the L.U.D.s."

Entering his third full term as Reeve for the Municipality, Wiebe feels his experience will help push these items forward. 

The full Council will be finalized following the October 26th election, and once that's done Wiebe says the entire group will gather at the start of 2023 to further set the priorities for the next four years. 
