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Deputy Mayor Brent Budz

With municipal elections across the province set for October 26th, Portage has found itself in an enviable position.

With four candidates for Mayor and 14 candidates running for city council, Portagers will have plenty of options regarding who they’d like to see in power. Some of the areas around Portage have positions being acclaimed.

Deputy Mayor Brent Budz says it’s great to see people in the community interested in municipal politics.

“I think it’s fantastic,” says Budz. “Any community that can get people that are interested in getting involved in their community at this level in terms of running for council or the Mayor seat is fantastic. It's a sign that people want to get involved.”

He mentions, since we knew there would be multiple council seats and the position of Mayor up for grabs, it’s great to see people step up to the plate, as it encourages new ideas to be brought to the table. Budz also wants to ensure that it isn’t just those running for council having their voices heard.

“This is everyone’s city and you can express your impact on the city by voting,” says Budz. “It's very important to understand what each candidate brings to the table, their experiences, what they contribute to a good team, and then vote appropriately, but please make an effort to come out and vote.”

He hopes to see the majority of Portage vote, as it directly impacts what happens in the community. 
