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Davis and Connie Cox with their granddaughter, Eliza.
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Davis and Connie Cox with their granddaughter, Eliza. (Supplied)

"God is using her to write a really good story," says a couple that is taking care of their granddaughter as their daughter gets the help she needs.

Connie and Davis Cox live in Alberta. Their daughter Maleigha is almost finished her one-year program at Adult and Teen Challenge in Brandon, Man.

"What we've seen is her recommitment to a life with Christ and walking with the Lord," says Davis. 

The couple raised their children in a Christian home and went to small groups and church on Sunday. The idea of God wasn't new, but Maleigha chose her own path for a while.

"She walked away from the Lord a few years ago to see what else life had to offer and found herself in a bit of trouble," he says. 

Maleigha was in college but she didn't go to classes and ended up in the world of drugs. While the Cox's wanted to help their daughter, they also knew they'd have to set boundaries.

After a small group at the couple's home, an Associate Pastor from their church stayed behind. He shared that God wanted to say Teen Challenge could be a good option for Maleigha. 

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Maleigha and her daughter Eliza. (Supplied)

"We prayed about it that night, that if Maleigha ever approached us asking for help, that we would use Teen Challenge as an option," says Connie, not thinking it would be an option right away.

However, the very next day their daughter was calling and texting that she needed to come home and she needed help. 

When Connie brought up the ATC program, Maleigha denied any issue with drugs, pinning her troubles on not being able to go to school. She then promptly hung up on her mom.

Connie stood her ground firmly and told Maleigha she couldn't come home or just do a short program, but that Teen Challenge in Manitoba was the answer. After continual fighting, hanging up on her mom, and begging, Maleigha finally said she would go. 

"She had to have a clean drug screen, she couldn't have any charges against her, so we had some obstacles to get through," says Davis.

The couple started praying and within days Maleigha had a clean drug screen done and previous charges against her were dropped, which allowed her to leave the province to take the one-year program at ATC in Brandon, Man.

"It was a relief for us. We had walked a few years as she struggled through things but in the last year it became a struggle with drugs and alcohol," says Connie.

Maleigha also has a daughter, Eliza. The couple, grandparents to Eliza, has been watching her while Maleigha had been going to college. Knowing a program like ATC would be best for their daughter, they stood firm so she could also be a good mother to Eliza.

"She lives with us and we've been taking care of her. It's been a blessing and also challenging because we're older," says Connie.

Maleigha is now almost done her one-year program with ATC and has plans to come home for one month to reintroduce herself as mom to her daughter. 

"Then her plan is to return to Brandon where she will do the SURGE program with her daughter," says Connie.

The couple has seen redemption and a full 180 in their daughter's life. 

"We never give up on our children. God is faithful and good and He never gives up on His children. Even though we often walk away from Him, He never forsakes us," she says.
