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Mohammad Tahir Khan hopes to be the next mayor of Portage la Prairie

Mohammad Tahir Khan will be looking for your vote on October 26th as he is running for Mayor of the City of Portage la Prairie.

Khan says there are seven main points he will be looking to make during this campaign. It starts with business, which he calls the back bone of our economy. He notes many businesses have closed in the city, and he wants to reveal his business incentive plan to invite and encourage business people to open up shop in Portage.

The second point he wanted to make, involved solving the crime issue in the city. 

"I have planned to make a special private security force, 24-hour patrolling in the town, every street, everywhere, because the RCMP is not enough for that," says Khan. "The crimes are going very high in this town."

Another issue he wants to tackle has to be housing. He wants to build rent-to-own low-cost houses that will entice people to move to the city. 

His fourth point, involves family/shelter homes. He says some families are dislocated from their homes. He wants to have 50 family homes and 50 single homes.

"I am sitting there, with the people that are losing their house, and they go into a hotel room for months and, month," says Khan. "They're tired of eating food from outside, they want to make food and they don't have any place (to do so). Some people are moving from here when they dislocate. It's a big problem, especially with children and families."

His final three points involve building a road from 5th Avenue NW to Walmart, changing some of the city by-laws (removing the 24-hour 30km/hr school zone speed limits, for example) and opening the Portage mall up in the winter.

He points to his Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering and Technology, and his Bachelor of British Law that he received in Pakistan, saying he has always been eager to learn, and he is educated to lead our city.

Voters head to the polls on October 26th.
