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Image: (left to right) Kim Verrier, Minister Ron Orr, Marrisa Mitsuing (and baby Mitsuing) Courtesy of MAG
The Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery (MAG) received a Heritage Awareness Award for their exhibit Powwow! Ohcîwin the Origins.
This Award was accepted in Edmonton, on October 3, 2022, on behalf of the organization by Marrisa Mitsuing, Co-Curator and Co-creator for the exhibit, and Kim Verrier, Exhibitions Coordinator, Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery.
This exhibit is now travelling and currently on display at Musée Héritage Museum in St. Albert.
The biennial awards honour the contributions of individuals, organizations, businesses, Indigenous communities and municipalities actively engaged in heritage preservation and appreciation in the following categories: Outstanding Achievement, Heritage Conservation and Heritage Awareness.