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Shirley and Garry Vickery standing by their son David on the day he graduated from Adult & Teen Challenge.
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Shirley and Garry Vickery standing by their son David on the day he graduated from Adult & Teen Challenge. (Supplied)

After years of struggling, a couple from Southern Manitoba is rejoicing that their son is finally free from addiction.

Shirley and Garry Vickery are the parents of David, a graduate of the one-year program at Adult and Teen Challenge, as well as their 18-month SURGE program. 

"Our son's childhood had been great. He was very active and full of energy. He was a good student until later grades when things began to slip," says Garry.

The couple dedicated their son to the Lord when he was young, and David grew up in a loving Christian home. 

"When he was young, we knew all his friends. As he became older, we saw less of them and his new friends became unknown to us. There was a lot of secrets going on and we didn't have answers," says Garry.

During this time the Vickery's found it hard to agree with how to best discipline their son, according to Garry. 

"As things got worse, our son moved out. He had a good job and made good money but through many bad choices, he soon lost favour with employment and lost jobs one after another. We suggested he look into ATC," Garry says.

At that time, David disagreed with his parents, saying that he could handle things and a few years went by.

"After many years of trying to fix every situation and he not be able to pay his debt, ATC was agreed to be the answer," says Garry.

He shares that before this point he had moments of hopelessness, thinking freedom from addiction wasn't possible for David.

"Because of Isaiah 55:11, I was honestly never hopeless. I absolutely day-by-day, minute-by-minute hung on to that verse. Also John 10:29," says Shirley, David's mom.

She says that it may have been easier for her to hold onto this because they dedicated their son to the Lord when he was very young. 

In 2018, David Vickery walked through the doors of Adult and Teen Challenge. 

"Whenever there was a problem, I would fix it myself, or so I thought," says Garry. "The day I delivered David to ATC, I prayed for the Lord to take him and use him as He had planned. It was extremely hard to let go and trust that the Lord has a plan and believe that it is the right one."

That's when Garry and Shirley started praying, giving their son fully over to the Lord. 

"Two to three months later, ATC had gone to a chapel service across the park. That night the speaker spoke on the power of the Holy Spirit. At around 10 pm the phone rang. It was David and his first words were, 'Dad, God is real'," says Garry, which was a huge answer to their prayers. 

Garry says that two miracles took place when David went into Adult and Teen Challenge.

"Me, learning to trust in Jesus and don't question things happening. Number two, the dramatic change in my son's life and see daily his growing with the Lord."

For people who may be in the same situation as the Vickery's were, they have some words of wisdom to share.

"My words to parents and grandparents, first to pray, pray, pray and never give up. If you can't pray, find people that will pray for you and with you," says Shirley.

Garry, Shirley, and their younger son all attended the concerned person group with Adult and Teen Challenge. This program is another way that ATC reaches the whole family, not just the individual struggling with an addiction. 

"It was very important for me to hear other people's stories. We're not alone, we could pray together, read the Word together and it was a good thing," she says. 

Shirley has seen an incredible change in her son since he started the program.

"Among many other things, he's met the Holy Spirit in a personal, life-changing way. He has learned that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, or our parents, or cops, but against principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness."

Garry jokingly says that they get a daily sermon phone call from David now, which gives them great joy. 

"He is now working at ATC and using his musical talents, working with the choir of this fine bunch," Garry says.
