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Kam Blight

The RM of Portage la Prairie council has unanimously nominated Reeve Kam Blight to consider running for the position of President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) again. 

Blight has been president for the last term, noting he feels this has allowed him to have been involved with some great changes that took place through the Association.

"I'm very appreciative of the RM of Portage Council for nominating me to consider running for the presidency of AMM," says Blight. "I'm currently the President and have been for the past few years. It's a position I certainly really did enjoy working alongside our executive team, our board, and our entire staff. It's something which I've given some serious consideration again. It's something I really enjoy, and I firmly believe we've made huge strides these past two years."

He notes the work that AMM does is definitely a benefit to all municipalities across the province of Manitoba. Blight still has the choice to later decline to run at the Association.

Author Alias