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Municipal elections are wrapping up in a number of communities in northwestern Ontario!

In Red Lake, Fred Mota has retained his Mayor’s seat against Dean Martin, with 1,397 votes compared to 306. Joining Mota will be Warren Badiuk, Debra Geary, Janet Hager and Jamie Kristoff.

In Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls, Gale Black was acclaimed into the Mayor’s seat. Joining Black will be Councillors Matt Rydberg, Steve Salvador, Doug Brothwell and Holly Chant.

For the Municipality of Machin, Gordon Griffiths hung onto the Mayor’s seat against Garry Parkes, winning by 50 votes 184 to 134. He’ll be joined by Councillors Tony Blair (200), Dennis Peterson (190), Ray Pilkey (246) and Greg Swanson (163).

Kenora Results 

Dryden Results 

Sioux Lookout Results
