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Sharilyn Knox
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Sharilyn Knox with her husband Kevin.

Sharilyn Knox is the new Mayor of Portage la Prairie.

The City of Possibilities newest mayor won the election with 2,199 out of 3,393 votes.

Mayor Knox's first thought after winning was to show appreciation to those who voted for her.

"I just want to say thank you to all my supporters in the City of Portage," says Knox. "I'm very excited to have the confidence of the people in the city to lead this city and very excited to see what the next four years are going to bring."

Knox says Portagers can expect to see the city continue to evolve throughout her time in the role.

"I just hope that people have trusted me and the work that I've done for the last four years, and they can see that we're going to move forward in the next four."

While she's ecstatic to have won, she's also proud of the way she ran her campaign over the past several months.

"I tried to run an honest and open election and be respectful of all my opponents and be respectful of all the other candidates," says Knox. "I'm going to take that with me and I've just had a great four years working with the council that we have, and I've really enjoyed working with Mayor Ferris."

Knox believes that her prior experience being a councillor will help her succeed in her new role.

"I'm excited to see who the new council is going to be and what team we're going to form," explains Knox. "We're going to learn to work together and do the best we can for Portage."

Sharilyn Knox will be Portage la Prairie's 42nd Mayor.

City of Portage la Prairie
Incumbent: Irvine Ferris (did not run)

Final vote totals

Sharilyn Knox: 2199 - elected
Bryon Hamilton: 870
John Donald Pelechaty: 226
Mohammad Tahir Khan: 74

Here are the new Mayors thoughts following the win:

Audio file
Author Alias