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Dave Kreklewich says the new council has a lot to do over the next year or two.

The voters in Oakland-Wawanesa went to the polls on Wednesday and had some choices to make.

Reeve Dave Kreklewich was being challenged by former councilor Dennis Rome and the incumbent came out on top collecting 529 votes to Rome’s 370. “It’s a big win as far as keeping the municipality on the right track. We’ve done some great work over the past four years and want to see it continue. We’ve got a lot of returning councilors and it brings stability and at the same time lets people know we want to do the right thing.”

Kreklewich had been challenged for his council’s lack of accountability and taxation fairness.

“This vote tells us there is misinformation out there and you have to look at it and see what the actual truth is and what’s not and they see it. We trust the voters in the municipality, and they are right and we wil go forward with that in mind” said Kreklewich.

As far as moving forward Dave Kreklewich says the new council will have lots of issues to tackle over the coming years.

“A big thing is to get our new shop built in Nesbitt because we need something to protect our equipment on a regular basis so that’s number 1 and after that we’ll look at the taxation to make sure it’s as fair as possible to the rural people and the farmers and I think we’ll be able to accomplish a lot of that.”
