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Cannabis store expected to open late 2022 or early 2023.

A new store is expected to open in Boissevain by late December of early January.

Border Town Buds will be a retail store that sells recreational cannabis. It will be located in the Red Coat Inn building along Mill Road in Boissevain.

“I opened my first cannabis store two years ago and the Boissevain store will be my third” said owner Leanne Smith of Carnduff, Saskatchewan.

“I opened my first store in Carnduff, and I opened a second store in Melita this past February.”

The cannabis store in Boissevain wil sell a variety of cannabis products and Leanne Smith thinks Boissevain will be a good place to do business.

“We started to check out some of the places and we looked at other options but didn’t feel like there was enough community. Boissevain is about 1,600 people and those other places were under 1,000 residents.”

Smith adds they started the paperwork in May and won't have a permit until December of even January.

Border Town Buds Cannabis will be about 700 square feet and will employ two people.

“People like to shop local, and I think we’ll be able to draw from places like Lake Metigoshe and I think with the size of Boissevain we should do fairly well.
