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You can see The Color's virtual concert on December 22.

Made in Manitoba band, The Color, had to get creative to release a new album in 2020.

Jordan Janzen, lead singer of the band, says they received the green light from Public Health to fly a producer to their home studio in Plum Coulee where they quarantined together as a group and got to work recording their latest album.

“It was a dream,” Janzen says. “It was intense, we recorded for 12-15 hours a day, but the experience allowed for a more creative process.”

Normally, he says, they record one or two songs periodically through the year when coming off the road. This time, they recorded almost the entire album in one shot.

However, Janzen says the quarantine recording session was tough when they couldn’t return home at night to their families.

“But we were really able to take our time during the recording process,” he says, adding it may be their most mature sound.

“We’re really proud of the album, it’s a step above anything we’ve ever done.”

And with the unique challenges of a quarantine Christmas, the band has organized their traditional holiday concert and gone online.

They will be hosting a virtual ‘A Colorful Christmas’ concert, a collection of Christmas favourites and even a few new songs.

With so many people stuck indoors and missing family, he says it’s a chance to bring some cheer, music and joy into people’s homes.

“The hope of why we celebrate remains the same,” Janzen says.

You can join The Color for their Christmas concert Tuesday night at 7 p.m. by getting tickets ahead of time here.
