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Community Support Services is looking to bring a smile to isolated seniors this Christmas season with Secret Santa for Seniors. 

They are looking for monetary donations, which will go towards items that the team at Community Support Services will purchase to make gift bags for isolated seniors. This is the third year of this initiative. 

"This initiative actually started with the pandemic. We recognized that there were seniors that were isolated. Everyone was being told to stay home and social distance. One thing we realized was that isolation existed far before the pandemic actually took place. That's one of the reasons why we want to continue this and make it a tradition," says Director of Community Support Services, Jess Rheault. 

They are hoping to deliver 150 Secret Santa gifts with help from the community. You can donate HERE! You can also contact Sarah Lava at 467-2623. 

In the last two years, over 300 Secret Santa gifts and meals have been delivered to isolated seniors. 

Jess Rheault joined Friday's Q Morning Show to tell us more about how we can help isolated seniors in our region. Listen below. 

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