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Winkler MCC Thrift Store Board Chair Dave Penner and volunteer Ronda Peters
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Winkler MCC Thrift Store Board Chair Dave Penner and volunteer Ronda Peters

The Winkler MCC Thrift Store recently closed the books on its last fiscal year.
Winkler MCC Thrift Store Board Chair, Dave Penner says the store's management team did a great job of controlling costs. In addition to that, higher-than-expected sales allowed the Winkler store to send $50,000 more than budgeted to MCC Manitoba, totaling $425,000. 

On top of that, Penner says they contributed $30,000 to some local organizations.

Penner highlighted a partnership they struck with the local organization Sixteen 13 Ministry. He explained with $10,000 of the local granting money, they formed a partnership with the local organization, and thanks to a federal subsidy program along with the airline companies, that money helped fly 39 people, including adults & children to Winkler from Ukraine.

Dave Penner, MCC Thrift Store Board Chair
Dave Penner

"As always, a big shout out to all the volunteers we have," added Penner. "We have anywhere from 250 to 300 volunteers. And a big thank you to the donors because, without the donors, we have nothing to sell. And, a big thank you to management...Peter and Eduard are always careful not to spend more money than needed so we can send more money to the mission." 
The board was also excited to report that Manager Peter Kornelson, who decided to go to a half-time position in January of 2021, decided to come back to 95% F.T.E. in May of this year. 

Looking ahead, the board also approved the next year's budget to include sending $31,250 monthly to MCC MB, which equals $375,000 for the next fiscal year, as well as $35,000 to local grants. 

The Winkler Thrift Store also recently renewed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with MCC MB for a 5-year term. 

Author Alias