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After the journey to Bethlehem, people reach the manger and gather around.
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After the journey to Bethlehem, people reach the manger and gather around.

The line-up to journey to Bethlehem was a long one Sunday evening, the last night of From Everywhere to Bethlehem.

After a two-year hiatus, the live nativity put on by Winkler's EMMC was again set up in the Winkler Park and drew 2,168 people throughout the weekend.

At one point, on Sunday evening, the line-up grew to an hour long, reaching the waterslide tower.

Event organizer, Abe Penner said, "The Bethlehem Event was a great success, seeing we had not done it for the last 3 years. As new organizers we were very happy with the weekend. We would like to thank everyone for coming out and making it a huge success. Also, we'd like to thank all the actors, setup people, clean up people, food people, businesses and people for their donations and EMMChurch for their support.   Friday's bitterly cold evening, we had 228 people. Sat. had better weather, we had 697. Sunday, with the balmy southern Manitoba -3, we had 1243 bringing the total for the weekend at 2168. Food Cupboard donations, we had 2148 lbs of food."

The live nativity took place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Below are some photos from Sunday.

The line-up for people to be a part of the census count in Bethlehem at times wrapped around the front of the Winkler Aquatic Centre office.
The line-up for people to be a part of the census count in Bethlehem at times wrapped around the front of the Winkler Aquatic Centre office on Sunday. It ended on the south side of the Aquatic Centre fence.
A 'Roman soldier' asking two woman whether there is any room for guests.
A Roman soldier asks two women whether there is any room for guests.


'King Herod' speaks to weary travellers on their way to Bethlehem
King Herod speaks to weary travelers on their way to Bethlehem


Angels announce the good news
Angels announce the good news
People nearing the manger scene.
People nearing the manger scene.


After the journey to Bethlehem, people reach the manger and gather around.
After the journey to Bethlehem, people reach the manger and gather around.

