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snow clearing country (Olivia Hiebert)
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Because of the danger associated with plowing snow, rural plows will not operate outside of daylight hours for visibility and safety reasons. File photo.

A number of weather systems have warranted RM of Stanley crews to roll out their snow-clearing equipment so far this winter.
According to CAO Dale Toews, after a snow event, Rural Crews will generally clear thoroughfares first and then move to arterial roads. Village crews start within the more populated areas and work away from those centres. 
Because of the danger associated with plowing snow, rural plows will not operate outside of daylight hours for visibility and safety reasons.
Meanwhile, the RM says pushing snow across roads and piling up snow in the Right of Way continues to be a concern. Doing so often leaves ridges across the road which will freeze up and cause safety issues for vehicles and snowplows.
The RM also asks people not to construct snow forts adjacent to roadways. Toews says it's extremely dangerous for plow operators who have no way of knowing if someone is inside as they pass by with large equipment.
In the RM of Stanley, the majority of roads will be cleared within 12 working hours of the end of a storm. Depending on conditions such as additional snow and drifting, at times, there may be some roads that will need to wait until the second day of clearing. 

Sanding of paved intersections happens after the snow has been cleared. 

Residents are also reminded, as part of the RM's snow-clearing by-law, to not park on roadways following a snow event, as it becomes very difficult for plows with vehicles on the road.

Author Alias