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Angela from Adult & Teen Challenge.
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Angela, a woman who went through the ATC program. (Supplied)

Angela struggled with eating disorders, drugs, and alcohol before she decided to transform her life by walking through the doors of Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC).

"I grew up in a dysfunctional non-Christian family, with sexual abuse from a babysitter from a young age," says Angela. 

At only the age of 12, Angela had a family member offer her crack cocaine. She tried it and it began a spiral downward in her life. 

"By age 15 I had moved out, was addicted to drugs and alcohol, stuck in a cycle of bad relationships, promiscuity, and eating disorders."

When Angela was 19 she got married. 

"We had two children and life was great until I had a mental break. I allowed bad people into my life, slowly going back to old habits. I lost my family, home, and any chance at life, I thought."

Scrolling through Facebook one day, Angela came across Adult & Teen Challenge. 

"I was scared about a year-long program, but I applied. When I came into the program, I felt at home, loved, and supported. They want us to succeed in life, not just to get sober."

Angela met God and became a Christian through the ATC long-term program. 

"I have learned discipline, patience, and how much God loves me. I was baptized and gave my life to Him, as I know He has a plan and purpose for my life."
