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Two clinics in the region have issued a memo to area employers as local physicians experience increased demands and workload.
The C.W. Wiebe Medical Centre in Winkler and Morden's Menzies Medical Centre have advised that physicians at each facility cannot be providing medical notes for patients and/or employees with minor respiratory or other minor medical conditions for which they would otherwise not see a doctor.

"Our physicians are working hard to maintain the services for our region to the best of their ability," stated a release posted to social media on Tuesday.
This restriction, along with reduced hours at the clinics, is being implemented as a decreased number of area doctors work to balance their responsibilities, including hospital care. The move will remain in place until additional physicians become available.

"Although it is appreciated that employers may require medical evidence if illness to administer employment related benefits, currently there simply are not enough resources to provide this service," added the statement. "Scheduling appointments for the sole purpose of securing a medical report for minor illness for employment related benefits requires allocating medical resources that are better allocated to attend to more urgent needs."

As a result, available resources will be directed to urgent and emergent care needs in the communities until additional physicians become available. 

Anyone requiring medical advice is told to continue to seeking care at the local walk-in, Urgent Care or Emergency Department as needed.

"Your assistance and understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated," added the statement. 
